Communication between women in the family across generations
Thanks for visiting my blog! Here, I will share insights and updates from my work. The focus of my doctoral research is intergenerational communication in Israeli families, particularly among women from three generations. I am interested in the following question:
How do women from three generations of Israeli families perceive their communication in the changing media environment?
Interpersonal interactions can take place through a variety of channels, both online and offline, each with its own unique characteristics. As explained in Polymedia theory (Madianou & Miller, 2012a, 2012b), choosing one platform over another is based on relationships, social norms, and actual communication practices.
During my study, I hope to learn and explain from cases like these:
When, where, and on what platform does a young woman ask her mother for financial assistance?
If a grandmother wishes her daughter or granddaughter would visit more often, how does she communicate that?
In what ways did a mother interpret her daughter's smily emoji as a response?
It is my hope that I will gain a deeper understanding of the way the women perceived communication in their families. What topics are discussed and what are not? What causes miscommunication between women in a family? How, if at all, do the women discuss misunderstandings regarding communication, and how do they resolve them?
In order to answer these questions, I will use both qualitative and quantitative methods, including interviews, focus groups, and surveys. The purpose of this project is to gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that are posed by different platforms and to help families communicate more effectively.
I hope you find this topic as interesting as I do. Looking forward to sharing my findings with you on this blog and in future publications! can't wait to share my findings with you on this blog and in future publications!
Madianou, M., & Miller, D. (2012a). Migration and new media :Transnational families and Polymedia. Routledge.
Madianou, M., & Miller, D. (2012b). Polymedia: Towards a new theory of digital media in interpersonal communication. International Journal of Cultural Studies, 16(2), 169–187.